Junior Ranger Adventure

Wild Coast Tented Lodge

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Embark on a worry-free travel experience with us, where your peace of mind is our priority. From meticulously planning your trip to ensuring your safe return home, we are with you at every step. Enjoy personalized journeys, distinctive accommodations, and authentic experiences, all tailored to your preferences. Your journey, your way, with us by your side.


Your kids can embark on a thrilling adventure at Wild Coast Tented Lodge, where they can join their splendid Junior Ranger programme that is designed to evoke in children a deep appreciation for nature and ensures that they not only have a fantastic time but also gain valuable insights into the wonders of the wilderness. With this programme, kids will be able to discover, learn, and play in the heart of nature—an experience that will linger in their hearts for a long time to come.

The programme features multiple options. The longest and most comprehensive is a 3-day experience (covering animal identification, footprint identification and tracking, and animal groups characteristics) with a certification.


  • Walking trails are conducted with a safety-first approach. Therefore, it is essential that children follow the instructions of the ranger at all times. 
  • The jungle around Wild Coast is in the Buffer Zone of the National Park, which is a forest reserve. Children should be mindful and respectful of this level of protection.
  • Wild Coast Tented Lodge resort shares an unfenced border with Yala National Park, so dangerous wild animals may traverse the lodge. It is essential to walk quietly, be alert, and follow the instructions of the ranger at all times. 
  • The program is intended for kids aged 6-16 years old.

Embark on these authentic experience offered at the featured property below. Explore additional authentic experiences at these wild retreat, and count on us to expertly arrange them for you.

Wild Coast Tented Lodge

Asia Sri Lanka

Most outstanding place in Sri Lanka! Landscape fairytale of twenty-eight luxurious cocoon tents nestled between the jungle and Indian Ocean,dotted with watering holes designed to attract wild animals.

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